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D-XX240089 - Mini Studley Reindeer Bundle.jpg

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D-XX240089 - Mini Studley Reindeer Bundle.jpg

45cm Mini Studley Doe & Fawn LED Light Up Reindeer Duo

Sale price £44.99

For adorable reindeer figures, look no further than our mini Studley doe and fawn. With a total of 160 warm white LED bulbs illuminating the rattan effect with a cosy glow, this pair are easy to style and bring a magical natural accent to any decorative scheme. Arrange on the porch with our Studley stag for a charming woodland scene, or bring the doe and fawn inside and pop them under the Christmas tree to bring some seasonal sparkle to your display. Read More

SKU: XX24009

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Decorative & seasonal lighting for your home and garden

Adding glow to every day, and illuminating the special ones - we are the home of decorative lighting. But it's more than just the lights for us, it's turning houses into homes that we're really proud of.

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